About the company
Schinkelstraße 6
31137 Hildesheim
Tel: +49 (0)5121 / 749 91 74
Authorised representative of the board
Matthias Schneider
Spokesman of the Supervisory Board
Bernward Schneider
Register Court
Amtsgericht Hildesheim
Registration number: HRB 3271
Sales tax identification number
according to § 27 a Umsatzsteuergesetz:
DE 167921111
EU online dispute resolution platform
Image rights
Text or image reproduction - including excerpts - only with the express permission of LURCH AG.
Icons made by Freepik / Agata Kuczminska from
Freepik Link on
Agata Kuczminska at
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We make every effort to provide correct, up-to-date and complete information on our website and therefore change or supplement it as necessary on an ongoing basis and without prior notice. Nevertheless, we must exclude any guarantee, liability or warranty for correctness, topicality and completeness.
This applies in particular to all references, so-called 'hyperlinks', which we offer directly or indirectly on our website. We cannot accept any responsibility for the contents of such external sites which you can reach by means of a link or other references via this site and we expressly distance ourselves from them.
Furthermore, we are not liable for any direct or indirect damage (including loss of profits or damage to health) which may be attributed to information contained on our website or on sites which can be reached via our website.
Copyright notice
The contents of this website are protected by copyright. We grant you the right to store and reproduce texts provided on this website in whole or in part, provided that you require them for your own and immediate personal information purposes.
The contents of this website may not be passed on to third parties against payment.
Copyright law expressly prohibits the storage, reproduction and modification of image material and graphics from this website.
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