Banana toffee cake

alcohol-free vegetarian
Does the sound of banana toffee make your mouth water? You probably can't wait and would love to put a fluffy sweet piece of this cake on your plate right away. But as it always is: first the work, then the pleasure! We promise you that the preparation is anything but work. It is simply fun. And if you can't resist the delicious ingredients in between, then snacking should be expressly allowed...

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For the dough

4 eggs
7 Tablespoon(s) sugar
7 Tablespoon(s) wheat flour
2 Tablespoon(s) cocoa powder
8 Tablespoon(s) cooking oil
2 Teaspoon(s) baking powder

For the layering

200 g sweetend condensed milk, boiled
3 bananas
50 g darf chocolate
200 ml cream, cold
1 Pack(s) cream stiffener


  • Preparation time: 1 h 15 min
  • Cooking time: 15 min
  • Total time: 1 h 30 min

prepare the dough

Preheat the oven to 175°C top/bottom heat.
Mix flour, baking powder and cocoa. Beat eggs together with sugar until creamy.
While beating, slowly add the oil. Then carefully fold in the flour mixture with a pastry spatula.
Pour the batter into the tin and bake in the preheated oven for 15 minutes. Leave to cool slightly.

Prepare the layering

If necessary, boil condensed milk: SUGARED condensed milk can be caramelised in the can - this creates a kind of toffee. You can either buy condensed milk already cooked (so the toffee is already ready) or buy sweetened condensed milk in a can and cook the closed cans at home for about 3 hours.
Turn out the cooled fruit base and spread with toffee. Then peel the bananas and cut into slices - drape these on the cake.
Whip the cream with cream stiffener and refrigerate. Decorate the cake with a little melted chocolate coating and pour the whipped cream over the cake shortly before serving.