Barbecue sauce

gluten-free lactose-free
Whiskey, smoked salt and fiery chillies - just thinking about the ingredients of this spicy sauce makes you look forward to a real American BBQ. Crispy ribs, juicy pulled pork, corn on the cob, jacket potatoes - your mouth is already watering. Now let's get going! Invite your friends, prepare everything and get to the grill.

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For the sauce

250 g bacon
1 onion
1 carrot
60 ml whiskey
400 ml apple juice
2 Tablespoon(s) brown sugar
1 Teaspoon(s) cumin, ground
1 Teaspoon(s) vanilla paste
0.5 Teaspoon(s) cinnamon, ground
1 Tablespoon(s) paprika powder
250 ml cola
2 chilis
800 g pizza tomatoes
5 Teaspoon(s) smoked salt
1 Tablespoon(s) liquid smoke
2 Tablespoon(s) apple cider vinegar
2 Tablespoon(s) honey
2.5 Tablespoon(s) worchester sauce
50 ml soy sauce
100 g ketchup


  • Total time: 1 h 30 min

Preparing the sauce

Sauté bacon, onion and carrot. Shortly after, add brown sugar, paprika, cumin, chili, cinnamon and vanilla and sauté briefly.
Deglaze with whiskey and fill up with apple juice and cola. Then let everything boil a little and reduce to about half.
Add the pizza tomatoes and the remaining ingredients and let everything boil down a bit.
Puree the sauce. Depending on your taste, you can boil up the sauce again and thicken it with some starch.


If you like it a little spicier, you can increase the amount of dried chillies and/or add fresh chillies - or you can leave out the chillies completely.


Benjamin ist unser ausgebildeter Koch und teilt seine Leidenschaft fürs Kochen gerne mit Familie, Freunden und Kollegen. Täglich sorgt er bei LURCH dafür, dass schmackhafte Gerichte zubereitet werden, verbreitet gute Laune und ist der Experte für Lebensmittelverarbeitung. Sein Talent zeigt sich nicht nur in der Zubereitung, sondern auch darin, ständig neue Rezepte zu entwickeln und bestehende zu verbessern.