Beetroot lychee juice

alcohol-free gluten-free lactose-free vegan vegetarian
Beetroot is rich in iron and folic acid, both of which are important for blood formation, energy metabolism and the immune system. If you appreciate the nutrients but don't like the slightly earthy taste, then you've come to the right place. We add lychee and the juice is transformed into a sweet refreshment that is very healthy.Beetroot Litchi Juice

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For the juice

100 g beetroot
10 lychees


  • Total time: 10 min


The beetroot really has it all. The power tuber is rich in vitamins and minerals, such as folic acid and iron. The natural colouring agent betaine, which is responsible for the intense red colour, also protects the heart and blood vessels. Betaine, a form of choline, a so-called vitaminoid (vitamin-like substance), is said to help increase performance. Furthermore, beetroot also contains nitrate, which can strengthen muscles. It dilates the blood vessels so that blood pressure can be lowered. The lychee scores with a high phosphorus content, which contributes to a healthy energy metabolism. In addition, the exotic fruit supplies our body with vitamin C and thus contributes to strengthening our immune system. Its intensely sweet taste balances out the earthy note of the beetroot. This makes the juice not only very healthy but also incredibly tasty.

Prepare the juice

Cut the beetroot into small pieces and juice together with the flesh of the lychees.