Burger Bun black

We'll tell you how to make your burgers the absolute highlight at the next barbecue. Your black burger buns will wow everyone! The little secret is sepia ink, which you simply mix into your bun dough. The result is a great effect that turns the usual burger buns into something very special. In between, bright green lettuce leaves and red tomatoes are a sensational contrast. Try it out!

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For 6 big buns

420 g flour
180 ml water, lukewarm
20 g yeast, fresh
8 g sepia ink
2 egg yolks
1 Teaspoon(s) sugar
1.5 Teaspoon(s) salt
3 Tablespoon(s) oil
2 Tablespoon(s) milk
2 Tablespoon(s) sesame

For 6 medium or 12 small buns

250 g flour
180 ml water, lukewarm
12 g yeast, fresh
4 g sepia ink
1 egg yolk
0.5 Teaspoon(s) sugar
1 Teaspoon(s) salt
2 Tablespoon(s) oil
1 Tablespoon(s) milk
1 Tablespoon(s) sesame


  • Preparation time: 2 h 15 min
  • Cooking time: 15 min
  • Total time: 2 h 30 min

Perpare the buns

Place flour in a mixing bowl, form a dimple and crumble yeast into it.
Add sugar and water and let stand for about 15 minutes.
Add salt and sepia ink and start kneading the dough. Meanwhile, add egg yolk and an oil bit by bit and knead into a smooth dough.
Let the dough rise covered for 60 minutes.
Knead the risen dough well once and then form small balls of dough (size L: approx. 100 g / size M: approx. 70 g / size S: approx. 35 g).
Flatten the dough balls slightly, place them in the mold, brush with oil and cover with foil. Let rise again for 60 minutes. Preheat oven to 190°C convection air.
Brush with milk, sprinkle with some sesame seeds and than bake in the oven - size L for 15 minutes, size M for 12 minutes, size S for 10 minutes.