Claudias caramelized almonds

alcohol-free gluten-free lactose-free vegan vegetarian
When will it finally be Christmas so that we can finally eat roasted almonds again? Who says they only taste good at Christmas? What tastes good, or rather, when it tastes good, is allowed. Thanks to our colleague Claudia, who brought this delicious recipe! From now on, these delicious caramelised nuts will be available every day ... well, almost every day, perhaps ...

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For the almonds

100 ml water
100 g sugar
200 g almonds
1 Teaspoon(s) cinnamon, ground


  • Total time: 30 min

Prepare the almonds

Put the water, sugar and almonds in a pan and heat.
Cook the almonds in the sugar solution until the water has completely evaporated and the caramel starts to take colour. Stir constantly during this process.
As soon as the caramel starts to take colour, remove the pan from the heat, add the cinnamon and continue stirring until the sugar crystallises and the almonds separate.
Now put the pan with the almonds back on for a short while and lightly re-caramelise the almonds again. Then place on a baking mat and leave to cool. If necessary, wrap as desired.