Pesto al genovese

alcohol-free gluten-free vegetarian
Spaghetti with pesto is a simple but delicious meal. You don't need to buy the pesto, just make it yourself. And it's much quicker than you think. You probably have olive oil and garlic in the house. Mix them with chopped basil, Parmesan cheese and pine nuts. A deliciously aromatic recipe that, unlike a ready-made product, doesn't need any additives. Pasta, pesto, pronto!

Zutaten für

for the pesto

1 Bunch(es) basil
100 ml olive oil
1 garlic clove
50 g parmesan cheese, grated
30 g pine nuts, rosted
1 Pinch(es) salt
pepper, to taste


  • Total time: 15 min

Prepare the pesto

Put all the ingredients in the multichopper and blend to a pesto.