Pomegranate rosmary paprika juice

alcohol-free gluten-free lactose-free vegan vegetarian
Fruit, vegetables, herbs - well, if that's not a varied mix! We have chosen pomegranate, peppers and the wonderfully aromatic rosemary needles. Not only does it taste good, but it's also good for your health. Give it a try! Will this be your favourite shot?

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For the drink

1 1
60 g pomegranate seeds
1 Teaspoon(s) rosmary needles


  • Total time: 10 min

Prepare the drink

Add the finely chopped peppers, pomegranate seeds and a few rosemary needles one by one to the Base&Soul Slowjuicer and juice the fruit and vegetables.


An interesting combination of vegetables, fruits and herbs makes this juice a very special blend. The high potassium content of the pepper contributes to the dehydration of the body. In addition to other important ingredients such as magnesium, zinc and calcium, peppers score particularly well with their high vitamin C content, which significantly supports the body's defence against infections. In addition, there are the so-called "flavonoids", which have a high antioxidant effect. In this function, they work, just like vitamin C, as radical scavengers in our body and can reduce the risk of certain cancers and cardiovascular diseases. They also inhibit the growth of bacteria, fungi and viruses. The pomegranate, with its antioxidants, strengthens our defences, is anti-inflammatory and vitalising. Rosemary, especially its essential oils, are said to support mental health and are said to increase the ability to think and remember. They also have an antibacterial, detoxifying, antispasmodic and relaxing effect. The ingredient camphor stimulates the circulation and increases blood pressure. The ingredient cineole is anti-inflammatory.