Stollen parfait

alcohol-free vegetarian
Do you like Christstollen as much as we do? Then here's a version that shows the pastry at its most delicious. The creamy iced parfait is a real taste sensation and ready for its big festive appearance. The whole family will be delighted!

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For the parfaits

100 g Stollen
75 g sugar
25 g water
2 eggs
250 ml cream, cold
vanilla/almond aroma (optional)


  • Total time: 6 h

Prepare the parfaits

Cut the stollen into small cubes and beat the eggs until frothy.
Bring the sugar and water to the boil. Just before the sugar syrup turns colour, remove from the heat and pour into the foamy eggs in a fine stream while stirring. Then continue to whisk until a thick foamy mixture has formed.
Whip the cream until semi-stiff and fold into the mixture together with the stollen cubes and a few dashes of flavouring (to taste).
Divide evenly between the moulds and freeze.