Guide | Drinking water makes you fit!

Drinking water makes you fit! More energy and well-being in everyday life

A lot of exercise is important for us, we all know that. Whether outdoors or at home, exercise keeps your body fit and at the same time frees your mind from everyday stress. It doesn't matter which regular activity you do - it should be fun. And if the pounds fall off, all the better. Fitness sports, cycling, hiking, walking or daily gardening or housework - all of them can be quite sweaty and, depending on the intensity, can be real calorie killers. But do you know what you shouldn't forget with all that exercise? Exactly! You should definitely drink enough.

Why is it important to drink water regularly?

We all know from our childhood that it is important to drink a lot of water. "Please don't forget to drink!" was often the loving hint from our parents when we wanted to go outside to play. This wisdom is still firmly anchored in our subconscious today and is also passed on to our own offspring. But in the past, we were usually not told why it is so important to drink enough water. We'll catch up on that now! Below we have listed important information for you about people and water as well as the six most important reasons for drinking water.

Interesting facts about people and water

An adult human being consists of approximately 65 percent water. Infants even from up to 80 percent. Adults should drink between 2 and 3 liters of water daily. Sport is not taken into account in the stated amount! During a regular exercise session such as running, cycling or fitness training, we lose around 1 to 2 liters of water per hour. That's quite a lot. When we move a lot, our muscles get pumped and produce heat. We start sweating. Our body loses important minerals such as calcium, sodium and magnesium through sweat. These are extremely important for the function of our muscles and nerves. So if we don't provide regular supplies, we literally dry out and no longer "function" properly. Fatigue, lack of concentration, headaches, loss of performance and general discomfort are the result.

To prevent all of this from happening, there's only one thing that can help: "Don't forget to drink, child!" :)

1. Water is good for health

Water is one of the most important components of the daily diet. Without water, nothing works for us. If you don't give your body enough water, it dries out - it becomes dehydrated. This has probably happened to you before. First the ability to concentrate decreases, then headaches quickly follow and even dizziness worsens. To prevent this from happening, you should drink water regularly and not just when you feel thirsty. Then it's usually too late!

2. Water increases your performance

If you regularly supply your body with water, you will keep the most important bodily functions running smoothly. This is noticeable at school, at work and in sports through improved concentration and performance. You have more power!

Tip: You should have a filled, always ready drinking bottle in your everyday life integrate.

3. Water can prevent headaches and dizziness

We have already said that water also increases the ability to concentrate. That's why it's now obvious that it can also have positive effects on fatigue, headaches and dizziness. These symptoms are typical side effects of dehydration. Water helps!

4. Water helps you lose weight

Water gets your metabolism going and can even increase your calorie consumption slightly. But the biggest trick for losing weight is this: Drink 0.3 to 0.4 liters of water before your meals. This makes it much easier for you to reduce the portion of food you eat. If you carry out this little trick over a longer period of time, you will definitely see and feel results quickly. Another good side effect is that you get your intestines in shape and can counteract digestive problems.

5. Water improves the skin's appearance

First an anecdote: Tomatoes consist mainly of water and therefore need a lot of it to ripen. If you harvest a tomato from the vine, it is no longer supplied with water and becomes wrinkled after just a short time. It is the same with our skin. If you don't drink enough water, your skin dries out and small wrinkles are the result. Water promotes the vitality of your skin and supplies your cells with oxygen. The skin is better supplied with blood and small wrinkles are tightened. You will look fresher after just a short time. Just not like a wrinkled tomato :).

6. Water flushes out harmful substances

Especially in the midst of flu season, regular drinking is of the utmost importance. Sufficient fluid simply flushes the accumulated pollutants out of the body and also ensures good blood circulation in the mucous membranes. This means that pathogens don't have an easy time of it. Drinking water also serves to protect yourself.

Our best drinking bottles for sports and leisure

What should you drink during strenuous and sporting activities?

When it comes to heavy household and garden work as well as regular exercise, it is not only important to drink enough, but also to drink the right thing! In particular, it is about isotonic drinks, which should be in a balanced mixing ratio of 1/3 fruit juice and 2/3 water. Make sure you don't drink too much at once during your activities. Small sips are better. Things are not much different in competitive and recreational sports. Before, during and after exercise, drink drinks that your body can process quickly. Also worth mentioning here are still mineral water and tap water with a 1/3 fruit juice content. Avoid carbonated drinks when exercising.

What about eating water?

Sounds crazy? But it is not. Water is the main ingredient in most of the most popular edible foods. Foods are mainly differentiated based on their water content.

Foods with a water content of up to 50% are considered water-rich. Foods with a high water content are over 90%.

In the following we would like to list some types of vegetables and fruits that contain a lot of water and are easy to process and eat.

30 popular foods to eat with lot of water

(water content in percent)

Cucumber 96%, spinach 96%, iceberg lettuce 96%, lettuce 95%, Chinese cabbage 95%, radish 95%, tomato 95%, lamb's lettuce 93%, asparagus 93%, strawberry 92%, watermelon 92%, pepper 92% , zucchini 91%, grapefruit 91%, red cabbage 90%, lemon 89%, broccoli 89%, celery root 88%, nectarine 88%, peaches 88%, carrot 88%, raspberry 87%, orange 87%, beetroot 87%, Kale 87%, plum 87%, blueberry 86%, Brussels sprouts 86%, pineapple 86%, apricot 86%