Guide | Bread baking techniques

Baking techniques: A guide to the art of baking bread

Baking bread is more than just mixing ingredients and waiting for the dough to rise. It's an art that requires patience, dedication and an understanding of the subtle nuances of the baking process. On this page, you'll learn more about baking techniques and what to look out for when baking bread. From the careful selection of ingredients to the flavourful peak of the finished bread.

1. the choice of ingredients - quality makes the difference

Start with high-quality ingredients. Good flour, fresh yeast or a live sourdough starter, high quality salt and pure water are the cornerstones of any delicious bread. The quality of the ingredients not only influences the flavour, but also the texture and structure of the bread.

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2. kneading - the development of suppleness

Kneading the dough is a crucial stage in giving the bread the right structure. Whether by hand or with a food processor, the aim is to develop the dough, strengthen its gluten structure and achieve a smooth, elastic consistency. Knead until the dough is smooth and comes away from your hands.

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3. fermentation - time as the secret ingredient

Give the dough enough time to ferment. The yeast or sourdough needs time to let the dough rise and give it its airy texture. Slow, cool fermentation not only develops flavours, but also improves the digestibility of the bread. Experiment with different proofing times to find the perfect flavour.

Grundzutaten Brotzubereitung - Hefe

4. Moulding - the path to aesthetic perfection

Moulding the dough is not just a technical skill, but also a creative act. There are different techniques depending on the type of bread and the desired result. From classic loaves and baguettes to artistic braids - moulding not only contributes to the aesthetics, but also influences the consistency of the bread.

Backtechniken - Brotteig formen

5. Baking - a game with heat

The baking process itself requires a careful balance between heat and time. The oven should be well preheated to allow the bread to crust quickly and evenly. Cutting into the surface before baking helps to release steam and develop a nice crust. Experiment with different temperatures and baking times to find the perfect combination for your desired result.

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Modern technologies and traditional methods - a harmonious combination

The world of bread baking has expanded with modern technologies that make the process easier. Kitchen machines for kneading, precise temperature controls in modern ovens and automatic dough resting times offer a contemporary perspective. However, many bakers also value traditional methods where the senses and experience play a crucial role. The combination of ancient practices and modern technology allows complete control over the baking process.

Backtechniken - Modern und traditionell Brot backen

Our best bread baking moulds

We offer high-quality bread baking moulds made from premium platinum silicone that are guaranteed to make every recipe a success!

A journey through the world of bread baking

In the art of bread baking lies the freedom to experiment and develop your own skills. Every loaf that comes out of the oven is a masterpiece, moulded by your hands and your love of craftsmanship. Immerse yourself in the world of baking techniques, explore the nuances and find your own perfect symphony of flavour, texture and aesthetics.

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Sourdough bread

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Bread history

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Silicone bread baking moulds

Baking has never been easier than with Original FLEXI®FORM! All types of bread can be baked in our silicone bread baking moulds...

FLEXI®FORM silicone quality

Since 1999, LURCH has been the pioneer in the world of silicone baking moulds with its FLEXI®FORM brand - to be precise, THE original.