Guide | Troubleshooting when baking bread

Bread baking troubleshooting: a guide to the rescue

Bread baking is a fascinating craft, but it can sometimes be hampered by unexpected hurdles. But don't worry - even if your bread doesn't come out of the oven the way you imagined, there are ways to rescue it and even learn more about baking in the process.

1. bread that is too flat - a posture problem


Bread that is too flat can be due to several factors, from too little yeast or sourdough activity to an overly moist dough.


If your bread has remained flat, next time try increasing the amount of yeast or giving the sourdough more time to rise. Make sure the dough is not too wet by gradually adding flour until it has the desired consistency.

Fehler beim Brotbacken - Flaches Brot

2. too little rising - a game of patience


Too little volume of risen dough can be due to various factors, such as too little yeast activity, fermentation times that are too short or room temperatures that are too low.


Give the dough more time to rise, especially during the first rising phase. Make sure the yeast or sourdough starter is active and choose a warm place for fermentation. Patience is the key here - sometimes the dough just needs a little more time.

Fehler beim Brot backen - Zu dichter Teig

3. dough that is too dense - finding the balance


A dough that is too dense may indicate that it has been kneaded too little or that the mixture of flour and liquid is not balanced.


Knead the dough more thoroughly to develop the gluten structure that is responsible for the desired texture. Also check the ratio of flour to liquid and adjust if necessary. A little experimentation can go a long way here.

Fehler beim Brot backen - Zu wenig Aufgehen

4. crust too dark - keep an eye on the oven


A crust that is too dark can be caused by baking temperatures that are too high or baking times that are too long.


Check the baking temperature and shorten the baking time if necessary. If the crust gets too dark early, cover the bread with aluminium foil to prevent further browning. A good tip is also to steam the oven to maintain a crispy crust and moist interior.

Fehler beim Brot backen - Zu dunkle Kruste

5. too much rising - the volcano effect


Excessive rising of the dough can be caused by too much yeast, too long proofing times or ambient temperatures that are too warm.


Reduce the amount of yeast and shorten the proofing time to prevent excessive rising. If necessary, let the dough rise in a cooler room or in the fridge to slow down fermentation.

Fehler beim Brot backen - Vulkaneffekt

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