Guide | Gluten-free baking

Gluten-free baking: a path to delicious alternatives

Gluten-free baking is fascinating and opens up a whole host of different treats. Although baking gluten-free bread can be a challenge at first, with the right approach and the right ingredients, you can bake delicious breads that are just as good as their gluten-containing counterparts.

1. the right types of flour - the basis for success

Choosing the right types of flour is the key to gluten-free baking. Flours such as rice flour, buckwheat flour, millet flour, almond flour and potato starch are popular options. These flours not only offer different flavour nuances, but also help to improve the texture of the bread. A mixture of different flours often provides the best balance.

Glutenfreies Brot backen - Mehlsorten

2. gluten-free binders - the structure providers

As gluten is responsible for the elasticity and structure of bread, gluten-free bread requires suitable binding agents. Eggs are an excellent natural binding agent that contributes to the firmness of the dough. For vegan options, chia seeds or linseed, which develop a gel-like consistency when mixed with water, are suitable. Xanthan gum or guar gum are also popular gluten-free binding agents and improve the texture of the bread.

Glutenfreie Bindemittelbox zum Brot backen

3. fluid equalisation - the secret weapon against dryness

Gluten-free flours tend to absorb more liquid than conventional wheat flour. To avoid dry bread, it is important to hydrate the dough well. Experiment with different liquids such as water, milk, yoghurt or even vegetable purees to achieve the perfect consistency.

Glutenfreies Brot backen - Flüssigkeitsausgleich

4. natural flavourings - a taste explosion without gluten

To enhance the flavour of gluten-free bread, add natural flavourings. Herbs, spices, dried fruit, nuts or seeds can give the dough an interesting flavour note. Be creative and find combinations that suit your taste.

Glutenfreies Brot backen - Bindemittel

5. Patience is a virtue - The rising process

The rising process for gluten-free bread can be different to that of bread containing gluten. The dough consistency may be stickier and the dough may need a little more time to rise. Be patient and give the dough the time it needs to develop an airy and light texture.

Aufgehvorgang glutenfreies Brot backen

6. The right baking temperature - perfect crust and crumb

Baking gluten-free bread often requires a lower temperature compared to conventional bread. Make sure to preheat the oven well and monitor the baking time carefully. A good gluten-free bread has a golden crust and a moist, even crumb.

Backtemperatur beim glutenfreien Brot backen

7. The variety of gluten-free baking - from bread to pastries

In addition to bread, gluten-free flours are also suitable for a variety of other baked goods. From muffins to pancakes and biscuits - the world of gluten-free baking is rich in possibilities. Try out different recipes to find out which gluten-free treats appeal to you the most.

Glutenfreies Brot backen - Vielfalt

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A journey through the world of bread baking

Gluten-free baking may seem like a challenge at first, but it also opens up a world of delicious possibilities. With the right choice of flours, binders and patience, you can enjoy not only gluten-free bread, but also a variety of other delicious baked goods. Be brave, try new recipes and discover the joys of gluten-free baking.

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