Guide | Asparagus season

Asparagus season with the best asparagus recipes

The asparagus season has finally arrived and that means it's time to unpack the fresh and delicious asparagus recipes.

On this page you will find everything you need to know about it Royal vegetables you need to know: from interesting facts about asparagus to practical tips and tricks for preparation. Our recipes were all created by our experienced chef and tested extensively, so that you can look forward to culinary delights.

We hope you enjoy trying it out and discovering it.

LURCH asparagus recipes

Now it starts! We have cooked and written down new and extremely delicious asparagus recipes for you. Get inspired!

When does the asparagus season begin and end?

Depending on the weather and harvest region, the asparagus season (sales) in Germany begins in mid-April and extends into June. Traditionally, the asparagus season ends on June 24th. If the weather is bad, our farmers may extend the harvest season until the beginning of July. However, harvesting even later has a negative impact on the harvest in the following year and is avoided if possible.

Why can you buy asparagus in the supermarket in March?

If asparagus is available early, you must assume that it is imported. Countries like Peru and China export tons of asparagus even before our asparagus season officially starts. But EU countries such as Greece and Spain can also harvest and sell a good month earlier due to the warmer climate.

What speaks against imported asparagus?

The CO2 balance of imported asparagus is generally poor. This is ensured by long transport routes and high water and energy consumption. The use of drinking water required in warmer countries accelerates the drying out of the growing areas and is anything but sustainable. In view of the advancing climate change, when shopping, we should try as much as possible to buy locally available fruit or vegetables and avoid imported goods. For many reasons it is worth waiting until mid-April for local asparagus.

Regional asparagus - Where is it grown?

Nothing beats freshly picked, regional asparagus. It tastes good, has a low pesticide contamination and comes mainly from federal states such as Niedersachsen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Brandenburg, Bayern and Hessen. Short transport routes as well as low energy and pesticide use (in addition to the usually excellent taste) speak in favor of buying regional asparagus.

How do you recognize fresh asparagus?

  • Asparagus spears must be firm and shiny
  • The asparagus tips are closed
  • Fresh asparagus squeaks when rubbed together

Our best asparagus peelers

To peel asparagus you need a good asparagus peeler. This has to be great in the hand and really sharp. Here are our top four peelers:

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